Sunday, February 3, 2013

Blog Exploration

In my exploration for blogs that relate to issues in Higher Education, I came across a couple that related to the college admissions process. Each of the these blogs seemed to vary which was cool because I was able to read different perspectives on some topics that surround higher education and the admissions process.  Some of the blogs I viewed were from the view of a first year college student, or from a college counselor, or and Admissions Officer themselves.  Because I had never done a search on "College Admissions Officer" blogs before I was shocked to see that many schools have blogs set for their admissions department.  At Goodwin College we are definitely in touch with the Social Media world we have a Twitter, Facebook, and About Me pages set up, but no blogs that I know of as of yet.  So it may be pretty cool to see if blogging is an avenue the college may take for continued outreach to current and prospective students.   In what ways do you think blogging can be a successful tool for colleges to use to engage current and prospective students?

Here are a couple blog links that I added to my Diigolet, take some time to check them out!


  1. I really like the idea of blogs for college admissions. It seems like it could be a great place for prospective college freshmen to go for information.

  2. As someone who also works in higher education, blogging can be a great tool for staff to share ideas and best practices that are effective for an institution. It is always a good idea to see what other professionals are doing in higher edcuation that help promote student sucess. From the student side, blogs are a great way for college admissions to get information to students on the enrollment process and academic programs that are available.
