Monday, February 11, 2013

Blog On!

While scrolling through the list of blogs I decided to check out Stump The Teacher.  The catchy name is what drew me to the blog.  Once I got to the actual site I really liked the way this teacher had his blog set up.  He had different sections you could access; Video Tutorials, Presentations, etc.  I especially liked the video tutorial section because there was something to help with most everything from blogging, to setting up twitter account, and the most recent post was on how to use google docs.  I think he did a great job at tapping into the needs of those who visit his blog and providing the resources for his visitors its like a one stop shop!  His blog also makes me want to push myself more especially when it comes to thinking of catchy titles for my blogs...time to put my thinking cap back on!  How do you guys come up with your titles?  Any advice out there for a first time blogger?!


  1. As someone who was first introduced to blogging last year the best advice I can give you is to keep reading as many blogs as you can. Find blogs that spark your interest. Many blogs have great resources like the one you found. I love blogs that have "self help information" on how to use all of this technology. One blogger that I follow posts weekly activities and information that I can use or have used for class projects or with students. The last piece of advice: leave a response when you read or use something from a blog. Bloggers like the feedback!

  2. I agree with Frank - I think the best ways to become more comfortable with blogging are basically to keep writing posts on your own blog, and to keep reading other people's blogs. I also agree with finding blogs that spark your interest - you can connect with people who are passionate about the things you get excited about, and that's a great feeling. I have a book review blog, and I'm an aspiring novelist. I follow book review bloggers and I read lots of authors' blogs, and they both inspire me in different ways. I'm interested to check out this blog that you found - I like the idea of the video tutorials!

  3. Thanks for the advice guys!! I have definitely been reading more blogs lately and find that they do help give me a little direction when trying to write my own.
