Sunday, February 17, 2013

Blogging = Interactive Learning Tool

In reading Online Collaborative Inquiry:Classroom Blogging Ventures and Multiple Literacies it really opened my eyes further on just how Blogging can enhance a students literacy skills. Blogging and wikis are not used in place of the basic classroom assignments they are used in addition to those scheduled assignments. The goal of using these online tools are to get students accustomed to writing on a regular basis in different types of formats. Students can still write academically, or as informal as the teacher may allow to complete an assignment. It also encourages students to have discussions that are academically based with one another when using blogs. 

I especially LOVE the fact that blogging allows for a sort of global pen pal aspect for teachers and students. I think it just adds a layer of excitement for students in wanting to complete reading and writing assignments knowing that they will have an opportunity to share and collaborate with students that are thousands of miles away.  Take Aviva Dunsiger, who teaches at the Ancaster Meadow School, Ontario, Canada she goes above and beyond to give her students an experience with Skype. I thought it was very interesting because she was able to incorporate literacy into this lesson and I would have never thought of anything like this for a second grade classroom check it out!


  1. I also like the use of a blog as a means to building and inclusive classroom. The use of the internet with spell check and multiple language dictionaries breaks down some of the boundaries traditional writing assessments have. Good find!

  2. I agree the internet does help breakdown bounderies! Being an Admissions Officer at a college that offers ESL courses sometimes we run into language barriers. With that said if we have a meeting with a student who doesn't someone with them to translate words they may not be familiar with, we can get right on the internet to find a translation tool to assist us in those situations in an instant!
