Saturday, April 27, 2013

Final Project

Here it is my final project! I decided to get together with a couple coworkers to put together a mini presentation on the Nursing program we offer at Goodwin College by using Animoto. I was able to shown them the one I previously created for the American Liver Foundation as an example and it really got everyone excited to help me out! I had one person do the image search, I let them know it is best to utilize images that come up using the Advanced Google Image search. I also had one person help with the scripting and once everyone got a feel for Animoto everything fell into place , I helped come up with the music selection. One thought I did have after completing the Animoto is that Photo Story 3 probably would have allowed for more text on each slide, but over all I think for the information we were looking to provide it came out very well.

I also put together a Google form to get an idea from my coworkers how helpful they thought the final product was, and what they thought about Animoto as a digital tool in general. You can see the form I used below.

Monday, April 15, 2013


goodwin college
by: ahuggins

I thought that the Xtranormal site was pretty cool!  It was definitely a lot different to use than Animoto or Photo Story 3.  It allowed you to chose your set, and your actors (you could have up to two) position the cameras, your body language, facial expressions and so on. So it is very detailed and really gives you the feel of creating a mini flick!  You get to preview it before processing it, so you are able to make any adjustments.  I found myself adjusting quite a few times to get my body language to match my narration perfectly.  After submitting it to be processed I received and email from Xtranromal, almost like a invoice, because I guess you are allowed a certain amount of  "Xtranormal points" to purchase your set, and actors etc.  I currently have 75 points left after creating this mini skit, but once you make a purchase that actor and set are always there for your use you do not have to repurchase.  So in a lot of ways this tool was very different than what I have used in class so far, and I think anyone can enjoy using for major projects or otherwise, you can definitely get carried away with the options you have.  My experience was a good one I encourage you all to check it out if you have never tried it before!

Web 2.0...Voki style

I thought making a Voki was pretty cool.  The tool is pretty user friendly, you just have to make sure you have a avitar that is not just for educators only if you wish to save and share it.  I didn't realize this at first and couldn't understand why my Voki wouldn't save.  I didn't create the educator account because while it is free for 15 days it still required you to add some type of credit card information on file.  I kept it pretty simple and still work related!  Let me know what you think

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Photo Story 3...The Final Cut...

Well here it is, my final draft of my Digital Story using Photo Story 3.  I didn't have much trouble adding my voice to the project, I actually though it was fairly easy and very user friendly.  I was able to go slide by slide to record my script I pre-wrote right beside the slide which made it super easy.  But what I like the most, is that if I didn't like the way one section sounded I was able to re-work that particular section and not have to start all over again to fix the one error.  The problem I did run into this time around was trying to embed it into my blog.  I spent at least an hour trying to upload it, and and everything I tried lead to Blogger saying there was an error.  So I am not sure if it is something I did incorrectly or if there was just something funky going on with the site today.  I even tried to upload the copy of the rough draft that I had previously posted, and not even that worked!  So what I did for now is uploaded it to my Drop Box for access until I figure out what the glitch is, and when I do I will embed the video.  For now I hope you can access my Digital Story by clicking here, let me know what you think!!

Monday, April 1, 2013

In response to Hicks and ....

"There is no question that students are influenced by a variety of texts that they encounter in the world, and learning how to compose in multimedia environments is a critical skill, and not just because the curriculum says it is." (Hicks, 2009, p. 59)

I agree with what Hicks is trying to get across here.  Students have many influences around them that affect the way they choose to compose writing assignments when using technology.  This is why it is becoming more important that they are being taught the proper way to communicate while using these digital tools.  Yes it is ok for them to use some of these tools casually but because things like Cyber Bullying are on a rise they need to REALLY understand what it means to be a good digital citizen as well as applying the skills they learned to write with paper and pen to blogging, emailing etc. for school assignments.  Students will be completing writing assignments for a decent amount of time especially those who intend on seeking higher education.  So the earlier they grasp the critical skills needed to effectively get their message across the better off they will be down the line, especially now that educators are becoming more tech savvy.  It will beneficial for students to have the basics under their belts so they are then able to transfer those skills to digital tools and be just as effective when writing.  What are your thoughts on this??

A picture is worth a thousand words....

I have to say that Hicks has definitely hit on something here.  I think it is a great recommendation for students to take advantage of if their teachers are giving them the opportunity.  It seems that it would allow for another level of creativity for the student that they wouldn't normally experience when given a prompt and lined paper.  I think it even goes one step further when you take into consideration that the student can also be their own photographer for the assignment.  I think a lesson like this makes learning exciting again for students, and they would actually be eager to participate and complete an assignment like this one.  If a teacher is able to fit an assignment like this one into their curriculum I can see their students literacy skills benefiting in the long run, especially if you can have your students do it in a portfolio style where they do it a few times throughout the year where they can see how their literacy skills have progressed etc.