Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Photo Story 3...The Final Cut...

Well here it is, my final draft of my Digital Story using Photo Story 3.  I didn't have much trouble adding my voice to the project, I actually though it was fairly easy and very user friendly.  I was able to go slide by slide to record my script I pre-wrote right beside the slide which made it super easy.  But what I like the most, is that if I didn't like the way one section sounded I was able to re-work that particular section and not have to start all over again to fix the one error.  The problem I did run into this time around was trying to embed it into my blog.  I spent at least an hour trying to upload it, and and everything I tried lead to Blogger saying there was an error.  So I am not sure if it is something I did incorrectly or if there was just something funky going on with the site today.  I even tried to upload the copy of the rough draft that I had previously posted, and not even that worked!  So what I did for now is uploaded it to my Drop Box for access until I figure out what the glitch is, and when I do I will embed the video.  For now I hope you can access my Digital Story by clicking here, let me know what you think!!


  1. Saving the video in Dropbox was a great idea.

  2. This looks great! And what a great idea to save this in Dropbox for now. You had a great assortment of pictures here, which I think is half the battle with these kinds of projects.

    I had so much trouble with PhotoStory3 that I ended up abandoning it and starting over with imovie. I think where it all started to go wrong was when I tried to add music from my itunes... for some reason I just could not seem to get that to work, and I was dead set on having the song I had downloaded play in the background! I spent like 3 hours trouble shooting and then I just scrapped my project and started over... not fun! But in the end I actually really liked imovie and I keep thinking of short videos I want to make with it. So I guess it worked out!

  3. Your story proceeds in a very logical manner by taking the prospective student from the application process all the way through to graduation. I though that the background music was very appropriate and complemented the overall production. I hope that the school will be using this video as a recruitment tool.

  4. You did a great job on your digital story! You should use this at the college with applicant students. The flow of the story was perfect. It was seamless from the application process, advising, FA to academics and finally graduation. I really like the music you selected, it blended very well with the story. This could be a great marketing tool.

  5. I think this needs to be on your college's site ASAP, very professional! Well done! I thought it included a lot of things a potential student would want to know or hear about.
