Monday, April 1, 2013

In response to Hicks and ....

"There is no question that students are influenced by a variety of texts that they encounter in the world, and learning how to compose in multimedia environments is a critical skill, and not just because the curriculum says it is." (Hicks, 2009, p. 59)

I agree with what Hicks is trying to get across here.  Students have many influences around them that affect the way they choose to compose writing assignments when using technology.  This is why it is becoming more important that they are being taught the proper way to communicate while using these digital tools.  Yes it is ok for them to use some of these tools casually but because things like Cyber Bullying are on a rise they need to REALLY understand what it means to be a good digital citizen as well as applying the skills they learned to write with paper and pen to blogging, emailing etc. for school assignments.  Students will be completing writing assignments for a decent amount of time especially those who intend on seeking higher education.  So the earlier they grasp the critical skills needed to effectively get their message across the better off they will be down the line, especially now that educators are becoming more tech savvy.  It will beneficial for students to have the basics under their belts so they are then able to transfer those skills to digital tools and be just as effective when writing.  What are your thoughts on this??

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